Establish interview or hiring quotas

Initiative Description

Establish organizational guidelines to interview or hire a target number or percentage of diverse candidates.


D&I Best Practice Submission Form

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Resources for Consideration

    • Parity advocates for women’s representation at the highest levels of business—in the C-Suite and on the Board of Directors. Organizations and individuals are invited to take the Parity Pledge which commits organizations to simply interview and consider at least one qualified woman for every open role, VP and higher, including the C-Suite and the Board.
  •  Visier: How HR Can Tackle Diversity Using the Rooney Rule
    • In August 2015, the need for more workforce diversity was spotlighted with a call to action to technology companies, encouraging them to hire more women and minorities by implementing the Rooney Rule. This post by Visier's Ian Cook explains the Rooney Rule and how organizations can consider applying it to hiring processes.
Do you have an example or case study which provides insights on hiring quotas? Please complete our submission form with the relevant links above.