Complimentary to ILPA members, the ILPA Summit provides you the opportunity to: Broaden and Strengthen Your GP Relationships 94%of LPswhoattendedin2017madeatleastonenewGPrelationshipduring the ILPASummit. Discover Emerging Managers Now in its third year, the Emerging Manager Showcase brings a curated pool of exciting first or second fund managers, selected by a committee of ILPA members. Enjoy Exclusive LP-Only Education and Networking Opportunities The LP-Only Day on November 6 features a professional development seminar, as well as unparalleled networking opportunities, and an LP-only dinner at the NewYorkYacht Club. EngageataWorldRenownedNetworkingConference Designed by LPs for LPs We listen to our members, and we work to ensure that the Summit works for them. Our proprietary meeting selection system, SummitMatch, generates optimal meeting schedules based on rankings and mutual interests. We focus on maximizing your ROI,which is why the ILPASummit sells out every year. WHYATTEND THE ILPA SUMMIT? 640+ PE Professionals representing over 20 Countries 80 GP Firms 200+ LPS representing over 100 Organizations 1400+ Meetings 2018 ILPA SUMMIT 3