b'ILPA PRIVATE MARKETS EDGE Q2 20218 9TAKE ACTION - LP TECHNOLOGY TAKE ACTION - LP TECHNOLOGYExpert Perspective:Member SpotlightsTechnology inHear from two members about their technology modernization experience. Private MarketsIS TECHNOLOGYHow Can LPs INVESTMENT WORTH IT?Successfully Modernize? CLICK HERE TO LISTENNealPrunier,DirectorofStandardsandBest PracticesatILPAisjoinedbyKenAkoundi,OnceanLPorganizationdecidesto Founder of Cordatius LLC, for a discussion onupgradetechnology,whatcanthey the decision to upgrade technology in a privateexpect?InauniqueVoicesofPrivate markets investment program.Equity podcast episode, Jen Choi, ILPAs ManagingDirectorofIndustryAffairs, KenshareshisexpertiseasaprivatemarketscontinuesthetechnologyconversationWe see that this entire technologyexpertwhohasadvisedhundredswithKen Akoundi,FounderofCordatiusindustry has a problem. The first ofinvestorsonselectingandintegratingLLC. They are joined by Mark Steed, CIOone is that they never have enough technology;hisexperiencehasledhimtoattheArizonaPublicSafetyPersonnelstaff. And the second is there is adefinitiveconclusionthetechnologyRetirementSystem,andAntonioeither too much technology or investmentisunequivocallyworthit.AndRodriguez, Director of Investment Strategynot enough technology.surprisingly, it often costs less than LPs expect. for the New York City Board of Education RetirementSystem,foranin-depth Ken AkoundiWatchthequicktakesvideotohearKendiscussion on the stages and benefits of elaborateonhisrecentpaperIsItWorthintegrating new technology.It?Learnmoreabouthisexperienceonthe decisionpointbetweenbuildvs.buyand the benefits of a single source of truth for dataI firmly believe thatHavingrecentlycompletedtechnologyTheres a lot of clarity modernization, Mark shares his perspectivethat comes from technology withinatechnologyplatform.Curiousabouttheres no functionalityon obstacles that larger, established teamsimplementation from a process challengeswithtechnologyimplementationsstandpoint, because you basically andmitigations?CheckoutKenspiece,50out there that is so uniquemay face, while Antonio lends the uniquehave to systematize your ShadesofFail,whichdivesintocommonto the market that no oneperspective of a newer investment programentire thinking.challenges faced as part of implementation. thatisstartingfromscratch.Thegroup has built it.discussesthemostcommonobstacles Mark Steedto securing the technology spend and toKen Akoundi integratingupgradedsystemsaswellas theresoundingefficiencyimprovements that result once the project is complete. And so I think its Hindsightis20/20,MarkandAntoniounderstanding you have to have a personnel strategy around sharewhattheywishtheyhadknownthe technology strategy. beforetheystartedtheirtechnology modernization exercise.Antonio RodriguezUPCOMING CONTENT!Check back with ILPA later in 2021 to see more on implementation in the LP Technology space.'