2 DEVELOPED BY LIMITED PARTNERS FOR LIMITED PARTNERS For more than 8 years, the ILPA Institute has been educating limited partners in outstanding fashion. Our comprehensive curriculum led by seasoned academics, professionals and practitioners is designed by LPs for LPs and is ever evolving to reflect the diverse needs of a dynamic profession. We invite you to join our interactive classrooms and take advantage of a unique opportunity to learn and contribute alongside your peers. Whether starting up the learning curve in our Introduction to Private Equity Level I course or engaging at a more advanced Level II offering, you will leave the Institute empowered with greater knowledge of the private equity asset class and connected on a deeper level to those aroundyou.ILPAisextremelyproudtohaveeducatedmorethan1,000 professionals to date,and is committed to providing the only learning experience of its kind in the world. Our global classes are growing in scale and scope, with more venues and courses being offered each year.We look forward to seeing you in one of our classrooms in 2018! WELCOME TO THE ILPA INSTITUTE To learn more about the ILPA Institute,visit ilpa.org or contact: Nancy Hizaka-Vilardo,Director,Education nhizaka-vilardo@ilpa.org +1 647 494 9878