4 DEVELOPED BY LIMITED PARTNERS FOR LIMITED PARTNERS CFA Institute: ILPA members have the ability to earn CE credit for their participation in this program and can use their online CE tracker to document it. Any questions can be directed to the CFA Institute at ceprograms@cfainstitute.org. Institutional Limited Partners Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final author- ity on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org. LEVEL I This is the introductory course of the ILPA Institute’s private equity executive education program and it has been designed exclusively for limited partners. The program is taught over three days by world class faculty and leading practitioners. The curriculum has been developed by the ILPA’s Education Committee in collaboration with Booth’s renowned faculty.Participantswillexaminekeyinvestmentprinciples,exploretheroleof privateequity partnerships and learn the skills necessary to design and build strategies for investing in the asset class. LEVEL II * MODULE 1 Legal Documents Participants will gain a deeper understanding of limited partnership agreements and other documents that govern and/or affect private equity limited partnerships and the interconnected nature of these documents. Further, participants will be able to identify the more salient terms of these documents and use lessons and exercises to negotiate terms that are practical, inclusive of best practices and are comprehensive in nature. MODULE 2 Portfolio Construction Participants will examine strategic considerations and techniques used to design and manage private equity investment programs. In addition, the course will provide a comprehensive understanding of portfolio level deliberations as well as the core skills and methods that provide a programmatic approach to portfolio design,program execution and risk management. * The Level II advanced courses can be taken in any order PROGRAM OVERVIEW