5 MODULE 3 LP Diligence Participants will use the case study method to discuss various tools and techniques for executing limited partner roles and responsibilities. Significant attention will be given to pre- and post-investment fund/manager diligence, active portfolio management and secondary and co-investment opportunities. MODULE 4 An Insider’s Look at Private Equity Managers Participants will examine GP operations as it relates to PE accounting and investor reporting as well as engage in a number of case studies to explore practical and credible areas of concern across the spectrum of general partner operations and team management. Participants will get an insider’s look at general partners and management company governance models and review practices that relate to these entities, their members and the investment vehicles that they manage. MODULE 5 GP Value Creation Participants will explore and assess the different strategies and tools used by general partners to create value from sourcing through to exit.The course will challenge the merits of the resources and skills sets general partners employ to create the most value for a variety of strategies that may include large buyout, mid-market buyout, growth equity, venture capital and special situations. SPECIALIST SERIES Secondary Fund Modeling Participants will learn the general framework and tools to understand the key drivers to assess a secondary opportunity from the varying perspectives of the buyer, seller and general partner. Participants will be exposed to all the major quantitative and qualitative considerations with an interactive case study that will further their understanding of function and execution that can be applied outside the course. LEVEL I INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE EQUITY MARCH 5-7, 2018 SAN FRANCISCO JUNE 20-22, 2018 CHICAGO SEPTEMBER 10-12, 2018 LONDON LEVEL II MODULE 1: LEGAL DOCUMENTS JULY 9-10, 2018 CHICAGO AUGUST 14-15, 2018 CHICAGO SEPTEMBER 13-14, 2018 LONDON MODULE 2: PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTION JANUARY 22-23, 2018 SAN FRANCISCO SEPTEMBER 25-26, 2018 CHICAGO MODULE 3: LP DILIGENCE MODULE 4: AN INSIDER’S LOOK AT PRIVATE EQUITY MANAGERS JULY 11, 2018 CHICAGO MODULE 5: GP VALUE CREATION JULY 12-13, 2018 CHICAGO SPECIALIST SERIES SECONDARY FUND MODELING JANUARY 26, 2018 SAN FRANCISCO FEBRUARY 6, 2018 LONDON REGISTER ON ILPA.ORG COURSE DATES AT A GLANCE JANUARY 24-25, 2018 SAN FRANCISCO SEPTEMBER 27-28, 2018 CHICAGO