James F. Del Gaudio (Sr. Portfolio Manager, Private Credit) joined the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Public School Employees’ Retirement System (“PSERS”) Non-Traditional Investments team in 2015 to manage their Private Credit and PE/Special Situations portfolios. Since joining PSERS, James has underwritten, recommended and closed approximately five billion in commitments across their Private Credit, PE/Special Situations, and Co-Investment portfolios. In April 2019, James was selected for the inaugural ‘Rising Stars’ list of Private Debt Investor magazine. Prior to joining PSERS, Mr. Del Gaudio served as a Senior Investment Officer at the Office of the New York City Comptroller/Bureau of Asset Management where he assisted in the oversight of the New York City Retirement Systems’ private equity portfolio since 2007. Mr. Del Gaudio began his investment career at Wachovia Securities where he worked in wealth management and received his MBA from CUNY/Baruch College – Zicklin School of Business.