Template Endorsement & Adoption Information

Endorse the ILPA Templates

If your organization is interested in being recognized for your commitment to the highest standard in private equity reporting, ILPA Template endorsement is simple and straightforward. You can endorse either the ILPA Reporting Template or ILPA Performance Template or both.

What does endorsing the new templates look like?

ILPA will follow a similar approach to endorsements of the 2016 ILPA Reporting Template – specifically, this includes recognizing endorsers on our Template Endorsers webpage.

What commitment is my organization making by endorsing these templates?

ILPA will list endorsers’ names on the new Template Endorsers webpage. Other than potentially mentioning the endorsements list in future ILPA communications, this is the extent of any public commitment with regard to endorsing.

By when does ILPA want endorsers to complete internal approvals?

We are happy to accept template endorsements starting upon release of the templates in January 2025.

What is the endorsement criteria?

In general, a Template endorsement signals that the endorsing organization will:

  • Make best efforts to adhere to all of the template guidelines (all template endorsements)
  • Not modify the template beyond what is prescribed in the template guidelines (all template endorsements)
  • Recognize the challenges faced by GPs and LPs with regards to completing the template and make best efforts to collaborate with each other to ensure that the template is applied in the most effective and efficient way (all template endorsements)
  • Believe that a single standard for fee disclosures is necessary to efficiently monitor and report private equity fund activity (Reporting Template endorsements)
  • Believe that greater standardization towards cash flow reporting and methodology for performance metrics is necessary to efficiently monitor and report reporting private fund activity (Performance Template endorsements)

For Limited Partners (and their Investment Consultants / Custodians) and Fund of Funds in their capacity as investors, an endorsement also indicates that the organization will:

  • Encourage GPs to complete and adopt the ILPA templates
  • Request that the templates be provided to you as part of the standard quarterly reporting package
  • Adhere to the guidance around parameters for GPs providing the templates (i.e., not requesting legacy funds dating back to 2012 to provide the ILPA Performance Template)
  • Use data yielded by the template to systematically monitor portfolios
  • Begin to phase out other formats used to gather the data captured in the ILPA templates, with the exception of data required by jurisdictional regulations

For General Partners (and their Investment Advisors) and Fund of Funds in their capacity as investment managers, an endorsement also indicates that the organization will:

  • Be willing to complete the templates for LPs upon request
  • Work towards implementing an automated solution that provides the templates to all LPs on a regular basis as part of their standard quarterly reporting package
  • Adhere to the guidance around parameters for GPs providing the templates
  • Support LPs who request this information from their GPs

For Fund Administrators, an endorsement also indicates that the provider will:

  • Be willing to work with GPs to complete the templates for their investors, upon request
  • Work towards implementing an automated solution capable of providing the templates to any GP or client who requests it on a regular basis
  • Adhere to the guidance around parameters for GPs providing the templates

For Technology Service Providers, an endorsement also indicates that the organization will:

  • Incorporate the ILPA template structure and data points into their systems
  • Encourage LPs and GPs to adopt the ILPA templates

For Industry Bodies/Associations, an endorsement also indicates that the organization will:

  • Encourage GPs to adopt the ILPA templates (for GP-aligned industry bodies/associations)
  • Encourage LPs to adopt the ILPA templates (for LP-aligned industry bodies/associations)

Endorse the ILPA Templates

  • Once your organization has determined that you qualify to endorse the ILPA Template based on the criteria above, please submit your request using this form.
  • Once confirmed, organizations are encouraged to make their own announcements and promotions regarding their endorsement, which ILPA will amplify, and are asked to work with ILPA Senior Director of Strategic Communications & Marketing, Megan Goodman at mgoodman@ilpa.org, to coordinate these efforts.
  • Any questions should be directed to templatesupport@ilpa.org.