Roadmap for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
ILPA is pleased to provide this Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Roadmap to the private equity industry. The Roadmap comprises best practices that both general and limited partners can consider implementing to advance DEI efforts on behalf of their organizations and the PE industry at large. We encourage all stakeholders in the private equity industry — and those operating in other private markets — to explore the opportunities presented herein, and contribute to the effort by sharing their own initiatives and resources so that we all can learn from one another’s experiences.
Submit New Initiatives and Resources
The Roadmap is intended to be a clearing house of best practices and resources that reflects the ongoing development and evolution of successful DEI efforts within the PE industry. Therefore, we rely on industry leaders to submit new initiatives and additional resources that could prove helpful to others. ILPA encourages submissions and will review them in a timely manner.
Submit New Initiatives and Resources
- All submissions must be accompanied by complete contact information.
- Best practices or Resources that fall outside private markets will be considered for publication on a case by case basis. Applicability to private markets will be paramount to acceptance.
- When submitting a new Best Practice for consideration, please include at least one resource which helps to define or implement the practice.
- When submitting a Resource, please include the necessary links to the resource in question. All links must be available publicly; ILPA will not link to resources behind paywalls or firewalls. Resource submissions without links cannot be published.
- ILPA staff will respond to all submissions within 10 business days.