Performance Template Overview & Documents
The ILPA Performance Template was developed to standardize return calculation methodologies in the private equity industry by creating a framework for capturing performance metrics and corresponding contributions/distributions.
The Performance Template is intended to supplement the quarterly reporting provided by GPs as part
of their standard reporting package, including financial statements (i.e., audited and unaudited financial
statements prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP, IFRS or other comprehensive basis of accounting)
as mandated by the Fund’s Limited Partnership Agreement (LPA) and other governing documents and/or
jurisdictional requirements.
The Performance Template should be used on a go-forward basis for Funds commencing operations on or after January 1, 2026.
Performance Template Documents & Supporting Resources
There are two versions of the Performance Template – both display the same fund- and portfolio-level performance metrics and cash flow data; however, the level of details with the transaction types and the calculation methodology used to calculate fund-level gross performance differs. GPs should select the Performance Template that most closely aligns with how they calculate gross performance and call capital.
Some GPs use fund-to-investor cash flows for gross fund-level performance and itemize each capital call (i.e., know at the time of the call if the capital will be used to finance an investment, pay management fees, etc.) – these GPs should use the “Granular Methodology.”
Other GPs use fund-to-investment cash flows for gross fund-level performance and/or do not itemize capital calls and instead gross up cash flows – these GPs should use the “Gross Up Methodology.”
Use the decision tree below to help select the appropriate version of the template for your purposes.
The ILPA Performance Template was developed to standardize return calculation methodologies in the private equity industry by creating a…
The ILPA Performance Template was developed to standardize return calculation methodologies in the private equity industry by creating a…
Guidance around the ILPA Performance Template – Granular Methodology. The ILPA Performance Template was developed to standardize return calculation…
Guidance around the ILPA Performance Template - Gross Up Methodology. The ILPA Performance Template was developed to standardize return…
Definitions contained in the current ILPA Performance Template - Granular Methodology, developed through a collaborative industry effort and released…
Definitions contained in the current ILPA Performance Template - Gross Up Methodology, developed through a collaborative industry effort and…
Detailed guidance pointing to specific aspects of the Granular Performance - Template and the fund-level transaction types found within…
Detailed guidance pointing to specific aspects of the Gross Up Performance Template and the fund-level transaction types found within…
A sample completed ILPA Performance Template - Granular Methodology and sample usage of methodology-specific transaction types.Learn more at…
A sample completed ILPA Performance Template - Gross Up Methodology and sample usage of methodology-specific transaction types.Learn more at…
Line-by-line comparison of the Granular and Gross Up fund-level transaction types and the treatment of each. Maps the Gross…
Frequently asked questions about the ILPA Reporting Template and ILPA Performance Template.
About the Template Development
Quarterly Reporting Standards Initiative (QRSI)
QRSI Steering Committee
In 2024, ILPA launched the Quarterly Reporting Standards Initiative (QRSI), a collaborative, industry-wide effort, to develop the next evolution of quarterly reporting standards to serve the needs of our changing industry.
The QRSI engaged a Steering Committee, working groups, and satellite groups for ongoing input, held a 10-week public comment period, and facilitated targeted discussions with organizations and groups across global LPs, GPs, Fund of Funds, among others, to strengthen the final design of the ILPA Performance Template. By working collaboratively across the industry, ILPA sought to surface the complex issues and differing reporting practices to be considered in crafting solutions to standardization that would ensure the widest adoption possible around the globe and throughout the PE industry.
The updated ILPA Performance Template was released in January 2025 alongside the introduction of a new ILPA Reporting Template.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public School
State of Wisconsin Investment Board
Teacher Retirement System of Texas
Searchlight Capital Partners
Vista Equity Partners
Fund of Funds
Asia Alternatives
Fund Administrators
State Street
Performance Template Working Group
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public School Employees Retirement System
Washington State Investment Board
Oaktree Capital Management
Searchlight Capital Partners
Vista Equity Partners
Fund Administrators
Gen II
State Street
Cambridge Associates
For questions on the updated Reporting Template or the new Performance Template, please contact